Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My kid is THAT kid.

We enrolled the kiddos in swim lessons this summer and they started last night. 

Tyler's in the parent-child class so Joel's been in the pool with him. He's done ok in the class but gets pretty cold before his 30 minutes is up.  And he's not too interested in following directions (sound familiar?).

Lily on the other hand......yeah she's not that in to it. Last night she never cried but she just stubbornly sat on the side of the pool and didn't do ANYTHING.  They kept trying to encourage her but she just wasn't having it.  

Tonight, before we ever left the house, she told me she didn't want to go.  "I don't like swimming."  Bull-larkey!  "You like swimming and I paid and you're going and it's gonna be fun!"  Am I the stereotypical parent, or what?!

We got there and she proceeded to cry, scream even, for the next 25 minutes.  The other kids are like, "What is her DEAL???"  For the last 5 minutes, she did stop crying long enough to do ONE of the things they asked her to do.  Sigh.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.

In Lily's defense, sometimes she's a total rockstar in new situations.  Yesterday we made it back to the dentist for her first real appointment and she did awesome....The only thing she was a little skittish about was sitting in the chair by herself.  She sat on my lap while they cleaned and then checked her teeth.  But she did everything they asked her to do and was super cooperative.  Good girl!

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