Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sink or Swim

Yesterday was Lily's first swim lesson.  Boy was that fun!  Sort of....

I thought Lily would just have the best time ever since she loves the water so much.  It started out pretty good.  We tried blowing bubbles, but mostly it was sticking our open mouth into the water and letting a little bit slip in.

And we "bobbed."  The instructor, probably a high school student, was pretty good, but definitely not in tune with a toddler's vocabulary.  He told Lily, "You need to learn how to bob so if you get in water that is over your head you can bob back to the shallow end."  What he should have said, "Jump to your Mommy!"

What I didn't factor in to this extra curricular activity was the whole listening-to-directions part of swim lessons.  Lily is so well behaved and generally listens 90% of the time, that sometimes I forget that she's only 17 months old.  17 month olds don't really care too much about following detailed directions.

After 10 minutes, Lily was through with directions.  The remaining 20 minutes was spent with me chasing her around the pool, in and out of it and doing my best to try to get her back on track.  FAIL!  We'll try again on Wednesday. 

Also, terrible Mama that I am, I forgot to bring her a drink for after the lesson since we scrambled out of the house so fast.  The whole way home (15 minute drive) and I mean the WHOLE way home, Lily was whimpering "leche....leche.....leche.....leche" over and over in this horribly pitiful voice.  Sigh.  Next time, I'll be better!

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