Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mission: BGB - Phase 2

Last night we tried again with moving Lily to her new bedroom.  We moved the crib in from the nursery and to do that, Joel had to disassemble it.  So he suggested, when reassembling it, to leave one of the sides of the crib off so that it's more or less like a toddler bed and give that a whirl.  I was a bit apprehensive, but couldn't think of any good reason not to try it. 

When it was time for bed, we read a story like always and then Lily asked to "rock."  She's been asking for that a lot lately, which I find a little bit strange cause we never really "rocked her to sleep" but it's just so darn cute when she looks at me with these big blue eyes and says "ro-ock??" in her sing song voice.  I'm pretty sure she's totally conning me and this is just a stall tactic but I'm too weak to deny myself the opportunity to rock my little girl.  So I rock her, just for a minute or two and sing her a song.  She's pretty fond of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star ("twinkle star" as she calls it). 

Then I put her in her crib-turned-toddler-bed and she cries and hangs on to my neck for dear life.  So I just lay her down and I sit on the floor and lay my head on the side of the mattress and rub her back for a minute.  Then I take my hand off of her.  Then I sit up and take my head off the mattress.  Then I back up away from the bed about 6 inches.  This causes her to pop her head up to see if I'm still there.  So I wait a minute and back up another foot.  Up pops her head - still checking to see if I'm there.  So I wait and then move again and I keep doing this until I'm about 2 feet from the door - all the while she keeps checking to see if I'm still there.  After several minutes, she's still awake and stirring around a little but no longer popping her head up to see if I'm still there so I finally leave the room and shut the door (but not all the way).  I make it to the living room before she cries out. 


I fully expect her to come running, but I wait it out and within 5 minutes she stopped crying and there's silence coming from her room. 


So of course I worried that she'd get out of bed some time in the night and come find us.  But she didn't!  She slept all night in her new room, in her modified crib.  She woke up this morning about 6:50 and started whining.  When I went in, she was sitting in her bed.

But as soon as I turned on the light, she scrambled out of bed.  I'm thinking she was just a little bit disoriented and I give her one or two more nights before she realizes she can ESCAPE when she wakes up.  :)

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