Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sausage Biscuits Anonymous.

"Hi, my name is Kelly and I'm addicted to sausage biscuits."

"Hi Kelly.  Welcome!.  My name is (name omitted to protect the guilty) and I'm a sausage biscaholic."

Yeah that conversation happened last week.  Why does a sausage biscuit have to be so damn good?  What do they put in that sausage patty that makes you want to have an 11 point breakfast sandwich?!  My friend and I felt like we needed a support group dedicated to this vice.  Sigh.  

You know, this conversation is actually just evidence of what my "WW family" does for me.  Even though up til now, I've been doing the program online, I still have a WW community not unlike what I'd have if I went to the meetings.  It's so critical to have a good support system when you're making a major change in your life and losing weight and getting healthy is no different.  So thankful for these people!

That said, I'm about to join the actual Weight Watchers meetings!  This will be an interesting change.  I'm doing it because I'm getting close to my goal weight and once you hit goal and maintain that goal for 6 weeks, you achieve "Lifetime Member" status.  When you're a Lifetime Member, you no longer have to pay to have access to the WW tools (for as long as you maintain your goal weight).  I've settled on this being my strategy for long term maintenance success.  I'm motivated by being cheap and getting things for free.  Ha!

All the whining aside, sometimes eating the Weight Watchers way is damned good.

Hard to believe this is diet ice cream.... so good.

Grilled Hawaiian Teriyaki Burger (8 points+), Oven Baked Sweet Potato Fries (3 points+) and Grilled Zucchini (0 points+).

Naked Turkey Bruschetta Burger (8 points+) and Cucumber Salad (0 points+)

Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, pineapple, grapes (0 points+).  Oh.  Yes.  I.  Did.

I need to work on my presentation skills....some of those look a little sloppy.  All goes down the same way though!

Here's to the final stretch to goal!  Sausage biscuits be damned!

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