Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Happy 3rd Birthday Tyler!

Tyler-man turns 3!  

What he's up to:
  • Communicates really well - his vocabulary seems to increase every single day.  He pronounces a few things a little off like "skoowl bus" which his sister constantly tries to correct (never mind the fact that she also has her mis-prounouced words like "print-zel" instead of pretzel)
  • He communicates really well except when he's purposefully not. For the last couple months he's been talking some crazy made up baby-sounding like language.  Drives us all nuts with that bananas.  
  • He knows almost all of the ABCs by sight.  He's always picking out "T for Tyler" on papers and signs.
  • He gets his shoes on the right feet about 50% of the time - which means he has no idea which foot is the correct foot yet.  
  • However, he can get himself dressed all his own - unless he doesn't feel like it - which is about half the time.  But there are times when he'll come out of his room in the morning, completely dressed without even being told.  So that's pretty good.
  • He's still a pretty picky eater - which is a trait he learned from his sister.  His favorite food is probably pepperoni (pronounced "pepper-doni").  But he will eat a few things his sister won't touch with a 10 foot pole like baked beans and grilled chicken.
What he's in to:
  • Despicable Me (sometimes knows as "Picklable Me" or "Pickle Me")
  • Still obsessed with his blankies - or baby snakes as he calls them
  • Loves all things boy - trucks, construction equipment, airplanes, helicopters, trains, firetrucks, getting filthy dirty, balls
We had fireman themed birthday party to celebrate the occasion.

Unfortunately, Tyler wasn't feeling 100% for his birthday.  Slight fever and terrible cough, but he still partied like a champ.



He didn't want to sit in the 'Birthday Chair' by himself.  So I sat with him for the Happy Birthday rendition.

He was really excited to sing Happy Birthday - as in he sang the song too until it got to the "happy birthday to Tyler" part and then it was like at the moment of saying "Tyler" he realized he wasn't supposed to be singing it to himself and he got embarrassed and then tried to shut me up too.

We had a firetruck piñata.

And, the piece de resistance - the jumpy house slide that was a tall as our house.

The intensity of the day, combined with no nap and not feeling good finally got the best of poor Tyler.  He passed out playing with his toys in the middle of the living room floor.  As he was falling asleep, I asked him if he wanted to go lay in his bed or on the couch.  With his eyes closed, he said, "I'm not tired, Mommy.  I'm not taking a nap today."  Yeah, right, kid.  Good luck with that.

Tammy stayed for a while and kept Lily entertained while Joel and I were cleaning up the party.  They had a good time playing together.

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