Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Apple Works 2015.

We made our annual trip to AppleWorks last weekend intending to buy apples and pick out our pumpkins.  Unfortunately we went one weekend too soon for the pumpkin patch so now we'll have to go with plan B (which is yet to be determined) at a later date for pumpkins.

First up was the pony rides.  Lily did great, riding completely unattended.  She wasn't afraid and enjoyed every second of it.  Tyler's still too little to go solo so I walked around in circles along side him.  He enjoyed until about the last 2 laps and then he decided he was done.

The barn structure that you see in the background has some rope swings inside and that black tube is a slide - definitely make only for kids' lightweight bodies.  Corrugated plastic is not meant for adult behinds.  I cringed every time the kids went down it but they were not bothered.  I was not about to give it a whirl myself.

Me and my boy.  He was not really into taking a picture with his mama.

And you can't very well go anywhere without the kids fighting about something.  This trip it was over driving this tractor.

Then off to feed and pet the animals.  Lily was totally in to it this year.  She wasn't shy or afraid to feed and touch them at all.  Completely different from years past.  Tyler's our animal lover so no surprise that he jumped right in.

Tyler has been obsessed with school buses for about a year now.  He kept wanting to come back to this cut out so he could drive it.  

We had a picnic lunch and family selfies.  There was a fellow singing and playing guitar near where we were eating.  Both of my kiddos have a real appreciation for live music.  They are like moths to a flame when it comes to a guy with a guitar.

I went inside the crowded store to pick out our apples while the rest of the fam stayed outside.  I get done and come around the corner to see these two dancing (to the guitar soloist's music) and I immediately burst in to tears.  It was just so sweet.  I was missing my own dad so much in that moment; it completely took my breath away.   Even now, looking at the picture of Lily looking up at her Daddy - yeah, crying all over again.

 And then it was time to go home.

And not a moment too soon...Asleep with his hand IN the bag of fruit snacks.

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