Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, September 13, 2015

And then there was August.

We went camping in the backyard.  The kids thought that was super cool.  They enjoyed "playing house" in the tent.  And s'mores.  They did pretty good sleeping out there, once they fell asleep.  Well Lily passed out immediately but Tyler was singing and yelling until about 10pm.  No clue what got in to him, but he was wound up.

I ended up telling Joel he could go sleep inside as I wasn't in the mood to toss and turn on a half deflated air mattress with him all night.  It was kind of chilly that night - probably about 62 degrees - and I think I was up every hour checking on the kids and making sure they were covered up. 

August 3rd brought the first day of Pre-K for Lily in the O.W.L.s (One with the Lord) class.

And Tyler's first day with the 3-year-old L.A.M.B.s (I forgot what it stands for, my bad).  He was NOT in to getting his picture taken that morning.

Back yard shenanigans.


 Holiday World.


Both kids rode the roller coaster and loved it.




We didn't get any pictures of the water park, but Lily had a blast.  She was tall enough to ride all the good slides, including the water roller coasters.  Unfortunately, Tyler was still a few inches too short so I stayed with him while Joel took Lily.

We pretty much closed down the water park and then hit up one more ride - the Tin Lizzies on the way out.  Tyler couldn't make it.  He ended up sleeping on Daddy while in line.  But then perked right up when it was his turn to drive.



Lily learned how to swim.  She does pretty good.  Can even jump in the deep water and come up ok.  She gets tired easily though so you have to stay right with her in deep water.  If she starts to get tired, she panics and loses her breath and then panics some more and starts to go under. 


Tyler is fearless when it comes to the water.

Belated birthday cake for Joel.

Tyler playing hookie, I mean sick day...

Anderson Falls.  Just about 10 miles from our house.


Lily with her "curly" hair.  Looking so grown up.


Tyler with a huge (dead) dragon fly.

Lily's turn to be sick - passed out on the couch before supper.

Lily asked me if she could make bracelets with her hair ties.  Some of the older summer camp girls were doing that at daycare this summer.  She's all about it and pretty good at it.  We have about a million bracelets laying around the house now.  Oh and there's this super cute hair style I learned from Katie.

Tyler took a bath in the back yard.  He thought it was hysterical.

We went canoeing.  The kids did pretty alright for most of the 3+ hour trip.  They got a big kick out of riding on the bus to the launch point.  By the end, they were pretty crabby and fussing - griping at us and each other - making me wish we never went.  But that's pretty much par for the course.  And, if you think about it, they were confined to one spot for most of the time so pretty understandable that the natives got restless.




The kiddos helping with a side yard project.



 Ice cream cones and swinging in the back yard.


Tyler sick day, part 2.


Kiddos playing at the playground and then meeting me at the Columbus airport after one of my trips to Minnesota.  (Check out Lily's outfit.  She picks her own clothes.)


And that's all for August.  Whew.

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