Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, December 5, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014.

So Thanksgiving was a week ago.  Yes I know.  My blogging comes in fits and spurts.

The day before Thanksgiving, Joel and I were invited to the kids' daycare to have Thanksgiving lunch with them.  It was a pretty neat treat to get to see them in the middle of the day and they were excited to have us there and show us some of the things they had made.  Lily is thankful for "Mom & Dad, Tyler, Toys, Hugs."

We were treated to ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, pineapple, a roll and some pumpkin pie complete with cool whip!  Joel and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Lily ate the pineapple and the roll.  Tyler ate bites of everything and then gobbled down his whole piece of pie.

And then Lily got a hold of the cell phone an proceeded to take some hilarious selfies.

Thanksgiving morning, I hoped to take a few pictures of the family for our Christmas cards.  Not the best pics we've every taken but certainly not the worst.  Lily was all about "doing a silly face."  So we had lots of that going on.

The day was filled with delicious food - all the traditional Fonner fixins - and it was so good, I was unable to stop from shoveling down plateful after plateful.  No regrets.

The kids played so well together and I was so happy to have the play room.  It helped considerably with noise control.  At one point, we realized we were missing Lily and Ayden.  They had barricaded themselves in Lily's room.  It was hysterical.

Lily wanted to hold Audrey....She thinks Audrey's still a little baby.  Audrey wasn't really havin it.

It was also nice to realize that the kids are more or less old enough to entertain themselves such that we could resume the Fonner tradition of playing games.  We taught Jackson how to play "31" and within 3 hands he had the game down pat and then proceeded to school us all and win the whole shebang.  Ridiculous smart - that one.  The moment Jackson realized he'd beaten us...priceless.

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