Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, December 12, 2014

What the random.

These two were being so sweet and precious, laying together on the couch giggling and whispering.

And then I got the camera out and they got wild.

We went out to eat a couple weeks ago and Tyler literally fell asleep sitting up in the booth.

Joel took the kiddos to Josh and Marie's a couple weekends ago while I went in to work for a few hours (boo).  Tyler hung out with his Uncle Josh and helped load some wood in the truck.  Then he was treated to a fourwheeler ride.  

Auntie Ree spoiled the kiddos with sugar.  And socks from Kjestine's work.  

We were wrapping presents the other night (non Santa delivered presented) and the kids were cracking us up trying to package themselves up in these diaper boxes.  

Tyler the bag man.  Not unlike Lily the bag lady that we met a couple years ago.

Lily and I participated in an Angel Tree activity with my coworkers.  Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures  of that but Lily did a great job helping me pick out some toys and books for a two year old boy in need.  I kept asking her to think about what Tyler might like to have to help her figure out what to pick for another little boy.  She did great.  After the wrapping, we went to my desk and Lily worked on her letters on my dry erase board.  She instructed me not to take a photo...I didn't listen.

Meanwhile, Tyler was devastated that I didn't take him with me too (I had picked Lily up from daycare and Tyler saw me leave with her).  I felt AWFUL so I immediately called Joel and told him he needed to do something special with Tyler as soon as he got off of work.  So they went to Steak and Shake for a happy hour milkshake.  Tyler's devastation was cured.

Lily as a Salvation Army Bell Ringer.  She thought that was pretty great.  The actual bell ringer INSISTED that I take a picture of this.  So, yeah....

With the threat of snow a few weeks ago, I took the kids to get new snow boots.  Tyler's are light up Spider-man.  He likes to wear them to bed.

Lily was flying her baby....

And then her baby took a header....

Luckily this has never happened when Joel or I were flying the kids..... right??

Joel has a serious, and I mean SERIOUS, aversion to hanging Christmas lights.   Like before we got married, he told me, "I hope you're not someone who likes to hang Christmas lights.  Cause if you are, either you're going to have to do it yourself, or we shouldn't get married, cause I'm not doing it."

Even having kids has not softened him up in this area.  It's not the lights themselves that he doesn't like.  He just doesn't want to hang them.  He'd rather drive around for hours looking at other people's Christmas lights.

So you can imagine Joel's DELIGHT when he pulled in the driveway after work one day to find a giant inflatable penguin in our front yard.  A gift to Lily and Tyler from Meme and Papaw.  It was a hit....with the kids....

Joel on the other hand....I think there's still a little steam coming out of his ears.  As for me?  I'm still laughing (but only on the inside so as not to incite a riot in my household).  

Yeah, I have no words...

Lily is big time in to "reading" to us.  She loves to hold the book like the teachers do.  Sometimes she tells real stories and sometimes it's complete and total gibberish and made up words.  Pretty funny.

Dance class is going well.  Joel took her the last time and he had a minor brain fart and thought the class started at 4, but it doesn't start til 4:30.  So they were there really early.  The kids ended up running around and playing and dancing in the class room.  Joel shot a few videos of Lily bossing all the other kids around.  It. Was. HYS-STER-RI-CAL.  Hysterical.

She was telling them to glide.  And then MARCH!  MARCH!  MARCH!  And then crawl and slide on the ground.  Most of the kids were doing whatever she told them to.  I was dying.  Bossy McBossFace - do not ask me how we invent some of these nicknames, I don't know - but that was her nickname that day, for sure.

Meanwhile, during the class, Joel and Tyler wandered the building a little.  Tyler was caught spying on the older ladies....

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