Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas in Black and White.

The kids had their Christmas program yesterday at the Church where they go to daycare.  The theme was Christmas in Black and White and they've been practicing everyday at school for months and months.  The kids even had a CD with all the music on it which we played at home multiple times a week - singing and doing our "motions."

This year's program was awesome.  Totally awesome.  It was a little play featuring some penguins (adult members of the church), some big kids (child members of the church) playing students and a teacher and then of course all the precious little daycare kiddos.  They were fully decked out in black and white clothes and let me tell you - that was a freakin' cute bunch of kiddos.  

The only down side was that they didn't bring littlest kids out until about half way through.  So at first, I was like, where's my kids?  I want to see my cute little kiddos standing up there singing.  But turns out that was really the best plan because this little play was long - like an hour (which was totally fine because it was so cute and funny).  And the 30 minutes that the age 4 and under group was out there, was about 10 minutes too long cause they were losing interest. 

I'm happy to report that neither of my kids cried or ran out to the audience to find Joel and I.  Somehow the Christmas versions of these programs almost always go better than the Easter ones.  I think we've had a meltdown every Easter but never at Christmas.  Hmm...

Lily.  Lily, Lily, Lily.  That girl hardly sang a word or did any of her motions.  I have no idea why not.  She wasn't upset.  She didn't act like she had stage fright but she must have had it a little because the motions that she did do, were super reserved.  Like, if you didn't KNOW what she was supposed to be doing, you would have missed that she actually kind of did it.  She sang a few lines in each song, but that's it.  It's like she gets distracted by all the people and forgets she's supposed to be doing something.  Afterwards, she insisted that she sang all the songs and did all her motions and even showing her the videos did not change her perception.  She was, however, beautiful standing up there - a full head taller than her friends.  

Tyler on the other hand....he did a ton of motions and even some singing.  I was so proud of him, I thought I might spontaneously combust.  There was only one minor debate between Tyler and his friend Graydon.  They got in to the "My Mommy!" argument.  This is the one where one of the boys will say "My Mommy" and sometimes point to said Mommy.  And the other one will respond with, "No!  My Mommy!" Sometimes Daddy is substituted for Mommy.  This happened during one of the songs where they should have been singing and signing - but it was a relatively quiet debate and didn't draw too much attention.  Not like earlier in the program, where Graydon had been screaming "HI DADDY!" at the top of his lungs - for like a full 2 minutes.  He had the whole church rollin'.

What a precious morning.  

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