Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Over the River and Through the Woods.

To Meme's house we go!

A week ago Sunday, at the end of the Fall Festival extravaganza weekend, we met up with Meme and Papaw at Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Patty's house in Elberfeld and got to spend a little time with them.

It seemed like it took the kiddos forever to warm up that visit.  But by the end they were acting like themselves.  Tyler even hugged on Aunt Patty as we were leaving.  What a sweet, sweet, boy we are raising (never mind the fact that he never did warm up to Uncle Josh's beard and didn't want to kiss him goodbye.....but that's neither here nor there).

Lily stayed behind with Whitney to go home with Meme and Papaw to Tennessee.  She didn't bat an eye at this proposition.  She was in to it and ready for it.  

Who can blame her?  Be spoiled rotten for a week?  Be princessed to death for a week?  Sign me up!  Whitney sent this pictures over to me.  My girl looks SO GROWN UP!!

There was ice cream action and breakfasts made out of playdoh.

Shopping and movies and cooking and dress up and more Playdoh.  Lily came home with several new outfits - even some skinny jeans to match Whitney.  Talk about my baby growing up!?  Seeing her in the same clothes as an 11 year old will do some funky things to your mind!

I think Liliana had a great time visiting her Meme and Papaw.  I think she missed us a teeny tiny bit....but not really that much.  Whitney said she only got weepy once and she got over it pretty quickly.

Joel, Tyler and I joined in on the fun Thursday night....more on that in the next installment....

(You're totally on the edge of your seat... I know!.... Sorry!)

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