Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mom and Dad.

This week Lily is away on vacation visiting her Meme and Papaw.  More on her trip later....but in the meantime, we've been enjoying the snot out of Tyler-man.  He's so.  Stinkin'.  Cute.  It's been really nice to get to give him more attention than we normally do.  And frankly, there's been a lot less drama!  While I am missing Lily like crazy (especially when I heard her super sweet and super grown up voice on the phone tonight), I am relishing in the time we can dedicate to Tyler.

Here's a tickle and giggle fest these two were having the other night.  

Tyler got a "shoot gun" for his birthday and rediscovered it tonight.  It's really difficult to pull the lever out and it's really hard to pull the trigger but he loves it anyway.  Here is an alternative use for the ammunition....are these two nutty or what??

And now for the bad news.

Tyler started calling me "Mom" and Joel "Dad."  No more Mommy and Daddy.  I expect this happened because last weekend he heard Jackson calling Jenny "mom" most of the time.  But there were no "dads" present during our weekend in Evansville so I guess he figured out how to shorten Daddy to Dad all by himself.  

Well, I for one, refuse to answer to Mom.  Not to a two year old.  If he wants my attention he will learn to call me Mommy.  Cause I'm in charge here.  Right??  And what I say goes.  Right?

Please, oh please, oh please just let me be Mommy for a few more years, little man.  Ok?  Please?

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