Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, October 31, 2014

Cincinnati Zoo.

I'm so so so so so so far behind.  I think I have at least 10 blog posts I need to do.  We've had such a busy Fall that it's been really rough trying to keep up the blog...especially since on top of fun family activities we've been doing on the weekends, I've been travelling during the week.  Now that I got that off my chest, I'll just dive in head first and begin digging my way out of the back log.

One of our Fall activities was hitting up the Cincinnati Zoo.  We had free tickets from Joel's work so combine that with a trip to Cincinnati for Audrey's first birthday and we had a full weekend!  

I don't think I blogged about it, but way back in September, we stayed in a hotel when we went to my cousin's wedding.  That wasn't as horrid an experience as I had anticipated at the time.  The kids slept sort of ok - except the part where Tyler fell out of the bed twice.  

Since that trip wasn't awful, we decided to stay in a hotel after the birthday party.  The kiddos thought it was pretty sweet.  Mostly the swimming part and the part where they got to eat pizza while watching a movie sitting on a couch in a hotel room.  

This time, since Tyler was so keen on falling out of bed, we got smarter in our room layout choice.  We opted for a king bed with a sofa pull out.  This was brilliant for several reasons:  1) Joel and I got a king bed and 2) the sofabed worked out awesome for the kids - we turned them crosswise and put Tyler toward the back of the couch.  Then we brought along his "bed bumpers" and put them in between Lily and Tyler.  This pretty much blocked Tyler in and prevented him from being able to fall out anywhere.  Also prevented the kids from rolling all over each other - Tyler tends to steamroll whoever he's in bed with and Lily will kick the snot out of who she sleeps with.  They  are wild sleepers.  

The next morning we headed on over to the zoo.  It was "HallZOOween" so the kiddos got to wear their costumes.  They were adorable.  And I think I'll just let the pictures tell the rest of the story.  Bottom line:  we had a great time.  

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Rest of the TN Story.

So sorry to leave you hanging for so many days on the rest of the Tennessee vacation story.  This week month has been totally nuts and I feel like I've been gone more than I've been home.  Staying caught up with blogging is a luxury I'm struggling to afford.


Last Thursday morning, on the way to drop Tyler off for his last day of school that week, I got these super cute shots.  Sent them over to Meme with the caption, "I'm coming for ya Meme!"

After work, we threw the last of our stuff in the car and took off.  Of course, as with all trips down I-65 this summer, we were met with ridiculous amounts of construction traffic and ultimately what should have been a 5 hour drive became a 7 hour drive.  It was exhausting.  Tyler did get a little taste of Frisch's Big Boy.  He thought that statue was pretty neat.

Throughout the long weekend, I'm not sure there was 2 consecutive hours that would go by that someone wasn't playing Playdoh.  Tyler:  "Wanna play Playdoh.  'k Mommy?"

Friday was expected to be the best day, weather wise, so we took advantage of that and got out and about.  First stop, the Monterrey Train Depot.  The kids climbed up on the caboose that's parked out front.  Papaw Jim is actually working with a few other Monterrey-ians on restoring it.  I wish I would have gotten a picture of the whole thing.  It's pretty neat.

 Inside the depot, there's a little museum including a really cool electric train set up with replicas of the some of the buildings in downtown Monterrey.  Tyler thought it was pretty cool and spent a ton of time looking at it.

This kids played around in this little train car.  I forget what they call these things...probably used to maneuver around a train yard.

Lily rang this bell about 15 times, which came off of a real train circa 1940.  It.  Was.  Loud.  

After the train station, we grabbed some lunch and then headed off to see one of the many waterfalls that Central Tennessee has to offer.  But of course, on the way, we lost a kiddo...I guess train stations have a way of wearing a baby out.

Fittingly, for two Cummins employees on their vacation day, we went to Cummins Falls State Park.  There was a short walk - maybe 1/2 - 3/4 of a mile - down to a viewing point to see the waterfall.  I took a blue million pictures on the way.... cause my kiddos are super freakin cute.

Lily collected acorns all along the way.  She was SUPER EXCITED when she found the first one and then became pretty obsessed with finding more.  


We made it to the falls!  Lily was pretty well terrified - I guess she thought she might fall over the railing!

I love this picture....all of us in our shades.  We are one cool family.

And a some cute shots of Meme and Papaw too...

After the return hike to the cars, we headed back to the ranch.  The kiddos fell asleep on the way and were still knocked out cold when we got there so I decided to let them sleep it off in the car for about 30-45 minutes.

When they woke up, they found the yard toys that Papaw got out for them.

These two were best buddies.  Cuties.  I think I'll keep them.

Also, can't go to TN without some 4-wheeler rides.  Meme took the kiddos a couple times.  The second round, after they had been gone a while, those of us left behind started to get a little worried.  We ended up jumping in the car and tearing down a few gravel roads in search of them (of course, fearing the worst) - turns out they were partying at the neighbors house.  All that worry about their safety.  I should have been worried about missing out on the party!

I swear, it's possible I could lose my mind one day, and end up with a pet.  Cause, there is really nothing cuter than watching this little boy with animals.

Plus, when he brings me flowers, I pretty much fall apart.  One day, he's going to figure that out, and then I'm screwed.

Completely impossible not to be madly in love with this little guy.

Saturday morning, we headed over to visit with Retta and Chip.  There was a tender moment among siblings going on here - but then I got out my camera....

Saturday afternoon, I taught Miss Whitney how to knit.... my first protege!  She did great.

Tyler did make a new friend.  Maybe he'll get a pet afterall....

Meme didn't know it, but Lily's a certified yoga instructor.

Sunday morning, we piled in to the car to make the trek back home.  Whitney was such a trooper hanging out between those car seats for 6 hours.  Plus she kept the kiddos pretty entertained.  I asked her if she'd be willing to ride along again in the future between those car seats.  "Nope."  But I bet if I bribe her with some $ she'd oblige.  It'd be worth EVERY SINGLE PENNY not to have to listen to my kids whining....

And that pretty well concludes our Tennessee visit.  Good times!