Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Spider-man Birthday Party.

About a month ago, we starting asking Tyler what kind of birthday party he wanted.  He didn't really understand what we meant so we said, "Do you want Spider-man or Batman at your party?  Or school buses or fire trucks?"

He said:  "SIBE-MAN!"  Well this really still left us open to interpretation because he calls every super hero "Sibe-man" - but for the sake of getting on with a theme, Joel picked Spider-man and off we went.  I made these invitations:

We bought these costumes for the kids.  Tyler's we bought online and Lily's I randomly found in the clearance bin at Party City - how lucky is that?  Aren't they so adorable?  Tyler didn't leave his on for more than 3 minutes so unfortunately I didn't get a picture of them together.

Our morning started a little too early for my tastes.... at 5:00am when Tyler got up.  He decided it was wake up time and it took me until 5:30 to convince him otherwise.  I think he fell back asleep for a short while but was back up again by 6:30.  By 10:00am he was super crabby and fussy (which was in part due to the early wake up and in part due to still getting over the ear infections).  So I put him down for a nap which he protested heavily at first but eventually gave in to.  And then proceeded to sleep through the beginning of his party.

I tried twice to wake him but both times, he was so conked out, I couldn't bring myself to really forcefully wake him up.  Yes, he's sleeping with his crocs on.  He loves those stinkin shoes and he doesn't get to wear them during the week to school so he wears them a lot on the weekends....

He did eventually wake up as everyone was finishing lunch but he wasn't too interested in eating - not even Cheetos!  A sure sign that he wasn't all the way awake yet.  So we skipped straight to opening presents and introducing Tyler to the special birthday party guest (a $20 Spider-man balloon.  $20.  That's ridiculous.  But he loved it so worth it I guess!)  Also, here's a peak at the t-shirt redo.  Put the same iron-ons on a white t-shirt.  Turned out MUCH better.  

After present opening, Tyler got in to a minor skirmish with the Spider-man balloon.

And then it was jumpy house time!  The kids go absolutely crazy for this thing.  

And if jumpy houses aren't enough, we have Daddy to spin us around in circles upside down by our ankles.

Now that we've used up a good bit of energy jumping, we need a recharge so it's time for cake and ice cream.

I made some Spider-man masks and at first, I thought that I was probably wasting my time with these.  The kids probably won't wear them so what's the point?  Well I am SO GLAD I made them.  These pictures are awesome.

And if all that fun isn't enough, we had one more activity.  Web shooters, people.

Here are the kiddos in anxious anticipation before hand.  Some of them understanding what's about to go on and some of them have no clue but they can tell it's going to be good.

After several before photos and lots of instructions about not spraying in the face, the kiddos went for it.  It was total chaos for like 3 full minutes until most of the bigger kids ran out of webs to shoot.  There was quite a bit of mixed reactions to the silly string.  Some thought it was awesome.  Others (like my kiddos) were not too fond of the mess.

And of course after the silly string, we had more jumpy house mayhem.

And some of us were just plain exhausted.  At least even the nap time blanket was in with the party theme.

And that was it!  A party thoroughly enjoyed by all.

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