Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, September 26, 2014

Lily's First Official Race.

Lily participated in her first official running event tonight!  But as per usual Basham Family adventures, it was not without it's fair share of drama.  Cause we don't know how to do things any other way.

First, we very nearly forgot all about it.  This afternoon, I had called Joel at work to see how his day was going and check what his after work plans were (a pretty normal thing for us to do).  We concluded we didn't have any after work plans.  Sweet.

About 30 minutes later I get a text:  FUN RUN!


So I high tail it out of work a little early to get the kids, rush home, fix and eat dinner, get Lily changed, get myself changed and get out the door.  

Lily mostly cooperated and moved relatively quickly (for her) changing clothes, pottying, etc.  She didn't dilly-dally too much on eating her dinner which was a nice change.  We fly out the door only about 4 minutes later than I wanted to leave.  Not too bad.  

We get 3/4 of the way to the park and I realize we've left Lily's race bib sitting on the kitchen counter.  Oh. Sh*t.  Joel (safely) pulls a U-ie and we speed back across town to get cussing myself the whole way.  The one friggin thing we need, I forget.  Sigh.

Rush back home, get the bib, begin to head back across town and proceed to hit EVERY. SINGLE. LIGHT. RED.  It was awesome.  

Again, we're about 3/4 of the way there and I turn around cause I think I hear snoring.....

I did.  Lily was passed out in her car seat.  What?!?  

Tyler's yelling at the top of his lungs some gibberish language he's recently invented.  Lily's snoring right through it.  Unbelievable.

We get nearly to the park..... we have about negative 1 minute until we're supposed to be in our "corral".... it's just over the railroad tracks....we're soo close......and here comes a train.  


AND, it's moving slow as molasses.  I'm about to come UNGLUED.  We go ahead and attempt to park the car (on the wrong side of the tracks!)....there's traffic everywhere.... Lots of other parents running late trying to get there kids to the Fun Run (boy we sure are having a lot of fun so far!).  Joel drops Lily and I off and we go wait to cross the street (and train tracks) while he parks the car with Tyler.  A few minutes later, they catch up to us cause it was the slowest (and screechiest) train on the face of the planet.  

I got Lily's pic while we were waiting (and waiting, and waiting, and waiting) for the train.  Super cute, right?  She's the real deal.  

We FINALLY get across the street and it's MASS CHAOS.  Parents and little kids everywhere.  The Tots (2, 3, 4 year olds) have already had their turn so we missed that.  However, I had registered Lily for the pre-K since it was a longer distance and I was confident she could do it.  So at least we didn't miss it.  Whew.

Now, here's where the FUN really starts to happen.

Oh yes.  We're bawling our eyes out cause we don't want to run.  Now, frankly, I can't blame the child.  I pretty much cry every time I have to run too.  However, her crying was not due to the running.  It was due to the "MOMMY DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE MY SIDE" syndrome that is prevalent in my children.  

So, in spite of the volunteers yelling "NO PARENTS ALLOWED," I stayed with my bawling 3.5 year old cause Lily won't stay there by herself.  I'll be damned if we're going to miss this.  After what we just went through to get here?!  No.  Way.  

I then proceeded to practically drag Lily through the 0.5k race.  She cried the entire way.  Not cried so much as blubbered (again, a trait she learned from me).

But we finished, by God.  (Don't let these pics fool you..... I practically had to shove her forward so she'd be in front of me facing the finish line so I could take these pictures.)

All the children got a medal, a banana, and a cup of water for finishing the race.  And it was a super nice metal medal.  I was thinking it was going to be some cheap plastic thing cause this race was free to participate in.  FREE!  I know!  Isn't that awesome?!

Lily was instantly fine as soon as the race was over.  She was really proud of her medal.  And very interested in getting to the celebrating part.  I told her if she finished the race, we'd celebrate with ice cream.

We hitch hike back to the car and head on over to Ritters for our celebratory ice cream and wouldn't you know it?  The gawddang place is closed for the season!  Yep.  That pretty much sums up how our evening was going.  

Thankfully Dairy Queen has no season..

And Tyler-man.... oh this boy.  How I love him and how he is going to make me crazy.  He's all boy.   LOUD.  RAMBUNCTIOUS.  MESSY.  Yeah, mostly those things.  But he's SUPER cute so he's got that going for him.

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