Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Random November.

Doctor's office selfie...finding this one on Joel's phone puzzle's me a little...having Lily smile for the camera when she doesn't feel good?  Hmmmmm...

Lily snuggling with Daddy.

Joel and Tyler hanging at Josh's, riding the four wheeler and Tyler showing his bravery to pet a deer skull.

My husband is strange.

Playing in the leaves...

More four wheeler riding.

And the cats....

Two special treats at once - breakfast for dinner in the living room....

"MOMMY!  Take our picture by this Santa.  It says only 39 days till Christmas!"  How Lily understood what this sign was for is beyond me.  But she did.

The many faces of Tyler.

Kids were begging for White Castle so Joel took them one day when I was working late.

I've been going to Farrell's now for 10 months and I thought it would be good for the kids to see where I go and what I do when I'm going to exercise.  Joel brought them by one Saturday while I was kickboxing so they could see it.  They thought it was pretty cool that I was kicking and punching.

Tyler said he was going to ask his Papaw to buy this for him.

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