Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015 plus the last of November.

(I'm going to try my hardest to refrain from going on about how far behind I am in blogging and just pretend that I'm on top of things and posting as events happen.)

We were invited to the kids' daycare to celebrate Thanksgiving at a special lunch event.  The kids think it's pretty cool when they get to see us in the middle of the day.  Except for the part when we leave to go back to work and don't take them with us.


There is really no reason to ever get the kids anything but cardboard boxes and trash - it's really all they ever want to play with (and fight over).

Thanksgiving with the Basham clan was a hoot.

And the Fonner side was pretty fun too....noisy in our small house....but fun.

The kids helped make some brownies for the Thanksgiving festivities and by "help" I mean clean the bowl.

Sometimes they play so good together...  here they are hiding in the corner playing tablets side-by-side.

These half-moon eyes belong to Papaw Jim.  I can't look at this face and not see his Papaw.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think this girl was meant to be a dancer.  And then I have flashbacks to last January where this child went to dance class and cried every time.

Ty initially freaked out when he felt bubbles on his face - God forbid BUBBLES get on one's face!  But then Joel convinced him to put even MORE bubbles so he'd look like Santa.  Only THEN was Tyler cool with it and not clawing crazily at his face attempting to remove bubbles.  

It was kind of a big month for Lily - she moved up to her big girl car seat.  I wasn't really ready for this yet, but her other carseat was giving us fits.  The straps weren't moving freely anymore and it was time to get rid of it.  Rather than spring for another 5-point harness carseat that she would use for 6 months or less, we went ahead and got the booster style.  You'd have thought Christmas came early, the child was so excited.  

Tyler was back seat driving / navigating.

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