Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween! Er, All Saints Day!

Due to the ugly, windy, rainy weather we had yesterday on Halloween, Trick-or-Treating was moved to today.  No complaints here!
I've had a pretty rough week (, month..... no, make that quarter) at work and so I decided to skip out of work today at 3:30 and pick up the kiddos a little early so we could come home and take our time getting ready for Trick-or-Treating.
Lily was super excited to go Trick-or-Treating.  She asked me no less 47 times on the way home from daycare if we could go trick or treat.  How about now?  Now?  Can we go now?  Mommy?  Now?  Her excitement was really cute (and only slightly annoying). 
We came home and gave the kids some snacks and milk and took our time to get them ready in their costumes.  I took about 82 pictures and then we headed out the door to go to "Trunk-or-Treat" at the kids' daycare. 

Lily was soooo confused when we told her we were going back to school.  She got a little upset, "Mommy we're going to trick or treat!  I don't want to go to school today!!"  When we pulled into the parking lot she got a little more upset but we told her that she didn't have to go inside school.....just in the parking lot to get candy.  She was extremely skeptical.
So we head off toward the festivities and I grab the camera.... turn it on.... snap a picture.... then look down at the display and see the most horrifying thing written across it. 
Those 82 pictures I took at home of the children behaving and posing so well in their costumes.... GONE.  Actually, probably not right to say they're GONE when they were never there to begin with.  I teared up.  I was devastated.  Why in the world didn't I check any of those pictures after I took them to see if they were any good??  I can be such a doofus.  (Feels like these days I'm a doofus more often than I'm in my right mind.....sigh.....)
But, thank goodness for camera phones.  All is not lost.  Oh wait!  I forgot my phone at home too.  I was really on a roll, eh?
But, thank goodness for my husband's camera phone!
Someone had an old-timey car there so we snapped a couple pictures in front of it.  Lily is decked out in her Doc McStuffins outfit.  And Tyler's sportin' Jackson's old lion costume. 

He was not in to the hood.  At all.

The lady at the first trunk knew Lily was Doc McStuffins which thrilled me to pieces.  Lily was so nervous and shy, she couldn't bring herself to say anything.  She just stared at the lady like she was the boogie man.  "Mommy, go with me."  That was the phrase of the evening. 

Tyler was all over the candy.  He was working hard at trying to get that chocolate open.

Trunk-or-Treat was a really nice thing that the church did.  We got candy, we bowled with a pumpkin, we drank cider and we stuck our hands in ghost poop to look for prizes.
After Trunk-or-Treat, we ran back home and ate a super quick supper so we could "get more candy."
Oh, and a picture re-do.

While sister's not looking, brother sneaks in and tries to swipe some candy!
And then finally, we hit the streets!

Tyler did wear his lion head for a good portion of the time we were outside which was good since it was a little windy.  I'm pretty sure he's the most adorable lion I've ever seen!

(He's giving Lily this look like "Girl, don't even THINK about LOOKING at my candy.")

Lily immediately tore into a pack of M&Ms.  She wound up with chocolate all over her face before we got the second house!

Look at that face!  Tyler, don't ever grow up, ok buddy?

This picture gives the illusion that Lily was brave and walking up to houses on her own.  But no.  She actually did better with that last year.  She wouldn't even "ring the ding dong" at any houses.  "You do it Mommy.  And come with me."

She did however, always say "Trick or Treat!" (sometimes so quietly that probably only I heard it, but it still counts).  And she said "Thank you" about 50% of the time without me reminding her.  That's pretty good for a not-even-3 year old.  

Lily was a good big sister and when the home owners told her to, she would take a piece of candy and put it in Tyler's bucket.  Skittles!  

(I know it wasn't the intent of this picture to capture Lily, but the teenager at this house (who snubbed out a cigarette as we were walking up) said, "Oh!  Are you Doc McMuffin?")

Lily walked quite a bit tonight.  I was really surprised at how long she lasted.

In fact, when we got home, she said, "I'm not done getting candy!  Are we going to get more?"

We then spent the next hour or so, passing out candy to about 15 kids.  The traffic was really slow, so we have a lot of candy left over.  Not good.
Lily however, was super excited when people came to the door.  If it were young kids (like 5 years old or less) she would hold the bowl so the kids could pick their candy.  But if it were older kids she didn't really want to have to get that close so she said, "You do it Mommy."
Tyler played and played and played and played.  For 60 straight minutes.  With his candy.  In and out of the car.  Candy in the seat of the car.  Then in the "trunk."  Then squeeze it and bite it through the wrapper.  He was having the time of his life.  And these pictures are the proof.


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