Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Lily's Hosts a Playdate Party.

Lily has been begging me for probably going on 9 months now to have her friends over.  I have just never made it happen.  Then around Christmas time, it went from just having friends over to having friends spend the night.  Since her requests were escalating from simply friends visiting to friends sleeping over, I thought best to at least give her first request a shot.

I'm not sure what possessed me to ask three of her friends over.  I was playing the odds that surely not all of them would be able to make it since the invitation was kind of last minute.  But they were all available and super excited about it.  None of them had ever had a play date before so the whole concept was new to all 4 of them.

So one afternoon, a few Sundays ago, those girls (plus Tyler) ran all over this house.  Loud and H-Y-P-E-R.  Running from one thing to the next to the next to the next.

I learned that all kids are pretty much created equal in the eating department - as in they all want to have a snack every 5 minutes.  Glad to know it's not just my kids.

They were singing, coloring, playing outside, climbing on Tyler's bunk bed and just generally running amuck for 2 hours.  And then asking when they could do it again.

Tyler, Lily, Charlotte, Amaya and Ava.

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