Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, March 6, 2016


How do you get the living TV all for the grown ups in the house?  Banish the children to the playroom with a couple beanbag chairs and some popcorn.

Card shark.  Lily knows how to play UNO.  Step one to building myself a Euchre partner.

Lily actually got her teeth cleaned this time.  No meltdown at all.  She did request to be on my lap the whole time but she didn't fuss or fight.  Winner winner chicken dinner!  The following week, I took Tyler for his cleaning and he was not as cooperative.  After about 10 minutes of coaxing, we did get him on my lap and he let the hygienist peek around his mouth but that was it.  Maybe next time.

Random cuteness.

Introducing Chef Mickey Ironman.

Hair dos.  Rapunzel style.  Post bath flowers & bows.  Braid waves.  Ballerina bun.

Lily "braided" my hair for me.  Joel attempted to show her the "right" way to which she promptly dismissed him, telling him "Daddy, I KNOW how to braid."

Exercise buddies.

Tyler loves the snow - so much so that he was all set to go out and play by himself once night in the dark.  Joel eventually went out with him.  Tyler was hysterical - making snow angels and trying desperately to make snowballs but the snow was not very sticky and not cooperating very well.

The kids have been begging for a very long time to come and see my work and an opportunity presented itself one afternoon.  It was after 5, which was good because Tyler's "library voice" as we were traipsing through the office is about like mine.  The kids tried out my phone headset - they now thing I have a cool job because I get to sit in my tiny dark cubicle and talk on a headset all day.  

My loves.  Rapuznel, Kramer and Buzz.

Pillow fight.  Not sure who won.  Probably a tie.

A visit to Josh and Marie's always yields presents.  Armor which has hardly been put down since (including sleeping with it in the car and in bed) and a GIANT stuffed horse.

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