Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Roller Skating. Ice Skating Part Deux. Daddy Dance. First snow of 2016.

We took the kiddos roller skating for the first time while we were still off on the holiday break.  We thought that maybe roller skating would be easier for them to do than the ice skating was.  Turns out this was partially true.  

The wheels on Tyler's skates barely rolled (on purpose) so he was mostly just walking around in roller skates.  It reminded me of the Fisher Price kind that you attached to your shoes - those things didn't roll either.  He did pretty alright.  

 Lily on the other hand was a bit like watching one of the three stooges.  Arms flailing.  Legs going in opposite directions.  Dive bombing for the railing.  I encouraged her to spend her time practicing on the carpet where it wan't so slick.  By the time let the place, she had built up her confidence enough to let go of the railing while on the actual skating rink - even if only for a few seconds at a time.

Lily made a friend while she was there.  They were following each other around almost the whole time.  I was glad she did.  Having another little girl there about the same age kept her entertained and willing to try new things. 

We had decided to try the roller skating because Lily was going to be going to an ice skating birthday party and I had wondered if learning to roller skate might help her to ice skate better.   I don't know if it did or it didn't but it certainly didn't hurt.  

The theme was princess tea party.

These four girls have been in the same class at daycare ever since Lily started going there.  That's Ava, Amaya, Charlotte and, of course, Lily.  Amaya, Charlotte and Lily all have birthdays within days of each other.  

At the ice skating party, all the kiddos were able to have one of those scooter things, which was really nice.  Lily got linked up with one of the young figure skaters who was helping with the party and that girl was racing Lily all over the rink.  I think this helped make Lily feel brave.  Next thing I know, she's kicked the scooter to curb and is ice skating all around all on her own and having the time of her life!  When it was time to go she was begging to come back again another time.  I only took video of Lily skating unassisted so unfortunately no photo to show off her skills.

There is an annual Father/Daughter dance which I found out about last year the day after it happened.  This year, I was all over it and booked the tickets for Lily and Joel to go.  

The day before the dance, Joel asked Lily if she would go on a date with him to a dance.  She said yes so the day of the went shopping for a new fancy dress.  I had a really hard time finding something.  We ended up basically finding an Easter dress for her to wear.  We get back home with that and I go looking for her dress shoes to make sure they still fit - uh, yeah, no.  They were about 2.5 sizes too small.  Whoops.  So then we had to go back out again and find her some shoes.  She insisted on high heels.  Five going on fifteen much?

At the dance, the Prince and his Princess walked down a red carpet and were introduced.  Then they went and got their photo taken.  

And that's where the Mommy's involvement ended.  Mommies and brothers had to leave.  (So we went on our own date to Wendy's - Tyler's choice.)

After we left, the Daddies and the Daughters could do a crown craft, have dinner and snacks and of course dance.  Two of Lily's friends, Amaya and Charlotte, were at the dance and of course they all three ditched their Daddies for a while and played with each other.  

Joel said they had a grand time.  Lily had fun playing with her friends and getting dressed up and having a special time without Mommy and Tyler.  

We finally (FINALLY - according to the kids) had our first snow fall of this winter season.  According to Lily, it has not really been winter until now - when it snowed.  We got all of about 1.5-2 inches, but as soon as the kids realized it, they were begging to go outside and play in it.  It was 6am. It was dark.  We told them they had to wait a little bit.

But once it was light and at least slightly warmer (24 degrees - windchill 11 degrees), we could hold them off no longer.  They were pulling their snow gear out and putting it on and pretty much going outside whether we said yes or not.  

(Nevermind Tyler's pink hat.....he had to borrow Lily's.  He somehow only has one hat and it was left at school.)

Joel joined the kiddos outside.  I did not.  I stayed in drinking coffee and fetching...  "Mommy! We need...."  "Mommy!  Can you get....."  Fill in the blank.  Plus I was in charge of making sure the hot chocolate was ready when they came back in.

They were throwing snowballs, making snow angels, making a teensy tiny snowman (snow was not very pack-worthy) and then followed up with a more respectable snowman / Olaf impersonation.  There was a lot, A LOT, of snow eaten.  Particularly by Lily.

The kids lasted a lot longer than I expected.  They were out there for about 45 minutes.  Definitely the longest stretch ever.  And as promised, I was ready with the hot chocolate when they came in.  And also prepared for the wet clothes mayhem that follows playing in the snow.

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