Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, July 3, 2015

Whatever happened to the end of May and all of June?

Oh yes.  Here it is.  In photos.

Inside playground.

Catching crawdads and playing with Suki dog at Whitney's birthday celebration.

Obsessed with playing in the dirt and sand with his dozers, trucks, tractors and diggers.

Meme and Papaw visit.

Tyler let's Uncle Josh near him - on purpose - but just because Uncle Josh was willing to be the engine on the tractor.

Lily helping Tyler up on the swing, pushing him and doing "under dog."

Picking (eating) strawberries at Whipkers.

Mama Fonner and sisters hit up Nashville.

Lily and I did the Girlfriend (bicycle) Ride together.  All 25k!  We start off with breakfast and a chocolate fountain.  Then headed off.  We got about 2 miles in and Lily wanted to know if it was almost over yet cause her butt hurt.  I called Joel and put him on standby to ready to come pick her up at mile 6 which was the first stop.

But then we got there and Lily saw all the spread of food - donuts, candy, cookies, gatorade, watermelon, chips, etc etc etc she suddenly felt strong enough to complete the whole event.  That's my girl!  Nothing motivates quite like donuts and M&Ms.

While the girlies were at the bike ride, the boys went to the airport to see some cool planes and trucks.

Saturday morning donuts in the car after grocery shopping.  Their reward for not fighting over the shopping cart.

Lily gets a big girl bikini (in other words, one without cartoon characters on it).

Bronco rides.

Tantrums.  Each kid could have a whole post dedicated to their tantrums but just thinking about it makes me tired.  Instead, here's the aftermath of a tantrum thrown by Tyler.  I was out of town during this escapade, but I think Tyler didn't want to go potty or put on his pull up or something before nap time and threw a fit.  Joel gave up and locked him in his room.  He went back a little bit later and ol Tyler had passed out without pants on.  This is one for the senior year slide show!

These are pictures of "sick" Lily.  You can't really tell it, but she had puked on Joel when he dropped her off at daycare one morning (I was out of town).  So he had to turn around and go back home (and take a vacation day) to stay home with her.  She drew pictures.

 Lily and Tyler

Mama (aren't I beautiful???)


Joel asked her if that was his wiener hanging down between his legs.  Lily said, "No.  It's your poop.  You're in the bathroom pooping."  Nice.  Real nice, Lily.

Lily ensuring that Tyler's feet are squeaky clean.  Someone just needs to feed him grapes.

Lots of swimming in the back yard.

Wardrobe malfunctions...

We went to the potty.  A lot.  I do not understand Joel's fascination with taking pictures of the kids while they are on the pot.  He's an odd bird.

 In addition to peeing on toilets, we took our turn peeing on trees.

This one of Lily happened during a GINORMOUS tantrum she was throwing while on a return bike ride from the playground.  She screamed the whole ride and was nearly left on the side of the rode about 3 times.  At this point in the trip, she had been screaming for 15 minutes that she had to potty (which was totally not true, but that's her "go to" phrase when she wants some attention).  So I finally pulled over and yanked her pants off and told her to potty on the tree cause there were no toilets around.  And Joel snapped a photo.  

Here are some other pictures of family bike rides.  Not all end in horror.

Having a picnic at the playground.

The kids enjoyed swimming lessons for all of 2 out of 8 days.  The first 2 days were great.  They participated, they had fun.  Lily took care of her brother.  

However after that, neither of them wanted to participate.  We kept right on trying through day 5 before we just gave the hell up.    Days 3, 4 and 5 were sheer misery.  M-I-S-E-R-Y.  They love to swim but apparently do not enjoy being told what to do when they are swimming.

 What the?  What a grown up little MAN!  I think he was telling Joel that he looked like "Todd."  Todd is a fried of Joel's and the kids are kind of obsessed with him.

Here's Tyler checking out chickens at Todd's house.  And playing in the mud.

Airplane rides.

This is known as a gaggle of grand babies. Audrey is MIA in this photo - probably she was in hiding due to the extreme noise.

First swim of the season in Grams' pool.

And that about does it for June.

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