Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Kiddo Conversations.

Lily:  What can I be when I'm big?
Me:  "You can be anything you want to be."
Lily:  "I want to be a princess when I'm big.  Can I be that?"
Me:  "Sure honey."
Lily:  "Well if I'm going to be a princess, I need a shiny amulet.  Can you get me a shiny amulet, please?"  (yes, we had just watched an episode of Sofia the First).

She already has a Sofia the First costume dress.  I guess now we need to find her a purple amulet!

Tyler has a brand new way of breaking my heart when he wants my attention (usually means he wants me to hold him) but I'm in the middle of something (like cooking dinner)..... it goes like this:

Picture me racing all over the kitchen - from fridge to counter to sink to oven to counter to fridge, etc etc.  A total race against the clock to get dinner on the table before 6:30 (normal dinner time is 6:00 but I'm running way late).

All the while, Tyler is underfoot, following me all over the kitchen, whining, crying and dragging his blanket with him, which is a serious trip hazard for both of us.

Tyler:  Hold me, Mommy?
Me:  Tyler, I can't, baby, I'm cooking.  Dinner's almost ready.
Tyler:  Hold me, Mommy!!
Me:  Tyler, I will hold you in a bit.  Do you want to sit on the counter and help me cook?
Tyler:  Yes.
(put him on the counter)
Tyler:  What's that? (pointing at every single thing on the counter)
Me:  That's an onion.
Tyler:  Onion.  Onion, Mommy!
Me:  Yep an onion. 
Tyler:  Get down, Mommy.
(take him off the counter)
Tyler:  Hold me, Mommy?
Me:  Tyler, I can't hold you right now. (my patience starting to wear out.....)
Tyler:  You busy, Mommy?

Yeah, I pretty much fall a part on the spot.  Dinner can wait a minute.

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