Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, August 21, 2014

It's True.

Lily:  Mommy, when we get home, I want to find my Dora cup.  Not the pink one.  The purple one.
Me:  Ok, that's fine.  It's probably in the cabinet.
Lily:  Yeah, it's in that one cabinet by the cabinet that has the real glasses in it.
Me:  Yep, should be in there.
Lily:  When we get home, Mommy, I want you to stand me up on the counter so I can find my Dora cup by myself.
Me:  Ok.
Lily: Can you believe I have TWO Dora cups?  Yep, I do.  A pink one and a purple one.  It's true.


Text I sent to Mom earlier this week, who is on vacation:

"I'll be putting Lily on the next flight to Orange Beach.  Your choice if you want to pick her up from the airport or not....."

She called me approximately 2 minutes later indicating she'd be willing to pick her up.
And that is the roller coaster that is our life with a headstrong 3.5 year old.  Her behavior lately has been mostly atrocious.  We've implemented a new behavior charting system and it's not really having the full effect that we were hoping for.

We have this chart hanging up on the door and it's segmented by the parts of the day.  If she makes it through that part of the day without too much fuss, she earns a smiley face.  If she throws a fit, and doesn't get her act together after 2-3 warnings, she gets a sad face.  (Her brother also likes to put a "smile face" on the chart - but his looks like big scribbles instead of smiley faces.)  If she makes it a whole day with no sad faces, she gets a sticker.  At the end of each row of stickers she gets a small prize (like a sticker or little notebook or something like that).  Once she fills up the whole sheet, she gets a BIG prize.  She keeps asking me what that is, and I keep telling her it's her choice.  But I think I'm going to steer her toward a costume so I can have her prize double as her Halloween costume.

Speaking of costumes, the kiddos found these in the closet and put them on last weekend.

Other cuteness from last weekend.... Lily and I went to Walmart to grocery shop and Joel tool Tyler with him to Lowe's to get a new tool.  When they pulled up the ColumBus was parked out front dropping someone off.  Tyler pretty much freaked out, he was so excited and wanted to go see that "boo bus."  The bus driver was a grandma herself and instantly took to this little boy who was fascinated with her bus.  She let him climb aboard and check it all out.  Then she found a little ColumBus coin bag and gave it to him (which he now carries around and calls his purse).  And THEN she dug around in her own purse and gave him some money for his bag.  How stinkin cute is that?  There are some super nice, good people in this world, aren't there?

Playdoh is the also the latest craze in our house.

I had to travel this week (again) and I got this picture from Joel.  He let them have a water day!  What a good Daddy.

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