Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Blogging Death Spiral.

I'm so far behind blogging about the random events of the past several weeks, it's hard to figure out how to pick back up and start again.  So I'll just post a bunch of pics with short anecdotes and call it good.  

This boy will try so many random things.  Here he's eating Baked Tostones (aka, green plantains cut into 3/4" chunks, smashed and baked).  Joel and I did not care for this WW adventure recipe, but Tyler ate the crap out of those bland things.  He thought they were cookies.  Who were we to correct him?

During that same meal, the kiddos were making hilarious faces at each other.  It's fun to take a break for a moment from the griping at Lily to eat her supper to enjoy a little bit of silliness.

Recently, Tyler's become obsessed with his "soc ball."  "Tyler, it's soc-CER.  Soc-CER." "Yeah, soc ball!"  Here is just one example of how these kiddos are....if one has a ball, the other one must also have a ball.  Preferably the very same ball that the sibling has, but occasionally, compromise happens and as long as the other ball is similar, peace is restored.

"Flying" is one of our favorite pastimes.  "Mommy!  Look at me!!! Is my hair crazy??"

Gluing might actually be Lily's favorite activity.  Gluing and cutting.  (That's Mr Lamb hanging out there with Lily.  He comes from her daycare class and was visiting us for the weekend.)

I'm pretty sure I don't know of a single thing cuter than this.  Except maybe when he says "thankyouwelcome" all as one word.

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