Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Poopin' on the Potty is a Big Deal in our House.

Wait, what?

Oh yes.  This guy:

This guy, pooped on the potty.  

Over the past couple months, we've been trying to get Tyler used to the potty.  We're not super consistent, but generally we've been getting him to sit on the potty at least once a day.  Mostly just for familiarity purposes.  We haven't really expected him to actually go largely because when we sit him on the potty it's typically during the process of changing an already soiled diaper.  

Anyhow, this morning when changing him and getting him dressed, he told me he wanted to go sit on the potty.  I was already running late and wasn't really in the mood for the potty this morning, but I'm pretty sure there's a line in the parent handbook, in the potty training section, that says something like "Never deny your child's request to sit on the potty."

So off to the bathroom we go and I sit him on the potty and he proceeds to play with the potty seat and his boy parts and just generally having a good ol time sittin there grinning at me.  I'm getting impatient and keep asking him every 7 seconds if he's done.  He keeps saying no.  So I told him I needed to go finish getting ready for work and he could stay on the potty as long as he likes.

I go back to my bathroom and I'm not in there 30 seconds before he hollers in his sing song voice, "I DOO-OOONE!"  (When did he grow up???)  So, with a big eye roll, I walk back to his bathroom and he says, "I poop."  Whaaaaat?

I pick his little butt up off the toilet and sure enough, there is a gift staring back at me!  (You're welcome for not posting a picture of it.)

However, I'm immediately skeptical cause it's not usual for his sissy to forget to flush the toilet after she's done using it.  I checked his butt for evidence, found some and commenced with the celebrating, high fiving, and fist bumping.

Then we had to call Daddy and tell him.  And in all the excitement about pooping, I forgot to have the kids tell their Daddy happy birthday.  My bad.  But it was poop!  In the proper location!  Can you blame me for being distracted?

We did try to make it up to Daddy by having some cookies and creme pie for dessert tonight (Lily picked it out).  We put 3 blue candles (don't ask me why 3...Lily said that was the right amount) and all sang Happy Birthday, which is to say, I sang it and Lily chimed in at the very end.  Tyler just kept sticking his fingers in the pie, too anxious to wait until singing was over to eat some.

Happy Birthday Babe!  So cool that you can share your birthday with such a monumental milestone in your son's life.  Ha!

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