Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Miscellaneous March.

As my birthday approached, Lily asked me if we were going to have cake on my birthday.  At first I said, No, Mommy doesn't really need any birthday cake.... but the look of complete and utter disappointment on her face reminded me that, for the kids, the whole POINT of someone's birthday is so everyone can have cake.  

So, the night before my birthday we ran to walmart to get a box of cake and some icing and the kiddos helped me bake my own birthday cake.  Uh, it looked good enough to eat.  So I did.

Lily had a friend's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese.

Joel and I had a date night and went indoor rock climbing Bloomington.  It was awesome.  Mostly I just can't stop staring at that picture of my back.  I.  Look.  Ripped.

We flew kites, again.  It was a windy day but apparently not the right kind of windy day because we STRUGGLED to keep those kites in the air.

Random visit to the Yamaha dealer.

Date night #2.  Yep, TWO date nights in one month!  That NEVER happens!  We went to dinner and then went to a pub downtown where we randomly met up with one of my coworkers.  We proceeded to drink for a bit and then headed down the street to a "nightclub" in Columbus where we danced and danced and danced at the Farrell's "after party" from that sessions 10-week awards banquet.  AND THEN, we hit up Steak and Shake and didn't get home till 2am!  What the what?!?!  What a great time we had!

And then, we had to wake up early for the kids Easter program at the daycare.  Doh.  Lily sang her little heart out.  Tyler acted like he could not believe he caught in this most embarrassing singing situation and barely bothered sing one word or make one motion.  

After the singing, the kiddos had the annual Easter egg hunt.  They came home with SO much candy!

The Easter Bunny was there and BOTH kids wanted to sit on his lap!  Wasn't it just 4 months ago, when neither of them would have a THING to do with Santa?  And that guy was going to give them presents!

There's no such thing a miscellaneous post without a picture of the kids passed out in the car.  (Lily loves her booster seat except for when she wants to take a nap in the car.)

Meme and Papaw (and Suki) came for a visit.  The kids REALLY love that dog.


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