Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Reading and Writing. And "What's it called again?"

Lily's been in pre-K for about 6 weeks now and it's amazing how much she's learned already.  She is starting to pick out words she can read.  The other day, she saw "YouTube" on the TV and excitedly says, "That says YOU!  Y - O - U spells you!!"  Then she looks at you with this sparkle in her eyes  and a huge grin on her face because she's so proud of her accomplishment.  And of course, I'm proud too.

When we read her books, she's starting to figure out how to recognize the characters' names.  "Jasmine.  Juh-Juh-Jasmine.  That's a J sound so I'm looking for a J.  There it is!  JASMINE!"

I can tell they are working on math too.  She'll randomly tell me, "One plus one is two.  Two plus two is four.  Four plus four is eight.  Eight plus eight is.....What's eight plus eight?"  She's starting to add small numbers on her own, mostly 1s, 2s and 3s, in her head without counting on her fingers.  I grin from ear to ear when she does that.  I hope every day my kids love math as much as I do.  (Particularly since I hear the STEM commercial at least once a day on the radio - promoting science, technology, engineering and math in our "young people" because that's the jobs of the future.)

As for Tyler, his teacher tells me he's the best one of the bunch (most days).  She probably says that to all the parents.  But she said that Tyler is the best listener in the class.  He always cleans up when he's told and helps her without being told.  Such a sweetie.  Except when he's not.

My favorite thing about him right now is that he'll just talk and talk and talk to you about all kinds of random things.  And when he's searching for a word, he cocks his head to the side, scrunches up his face and says, "What's it called again??"  I die.  Every. Single. Time.

These kiddos are so smart...the other day, Lily heard something outside so she grabbed this chair and was trying to look out the peep hole.  Ol long legged Lily was shy about an inch from being able to see out.

Meanwhile, Tyler's like, "I'll just open the door and LOOK Sissy."  They crack me up.

Tyler - such a boy - can't take serious picture with this one.  Always has to ham it up.  But I felt compelled to try because he was laying with me on the couch and that happens like once in a never.

We're still hard at work trying to get the kids to eat what we eat.  We are having small, teensy victories here and there.  Lily pretty much won't touch any kind of meat AT ALL, but she's been good about trying veggies.  She found she loves asparagus and cucumber.  She tolerates bell pepper.  She's been eating cheese quesadillas.

Tyler is kind of the opposite - he'll try the meat, but most often won't touch the veggies.  I've been trying to get the kids to help me cook, hoping that will get them interested in what we're having.  Mostly that just accomplishes a bigger mess in the kitchen and less likely that I can sneak veggies and/or meat in something without them noticing...

The biggest challenge I have with Tyler right now is that he claims to be "done" eating about 5 minutes after we start.  He plays around with his plate and climbs all over his chair and then eventually just leaves the table claiming he's done.  Then as soon as we get everything all cleaned up, he's like, "I'm HUNGRY!!"  So now we just leave his plate on the table and if he wants to come back to it he can.  We've just kind of stopped making a big deal about it but do put our foot down that he can't have any other snacks or treats if he didn't finish his food.

One night last week, Lily was having a meltdown and I was trying my hardest not to lose my mind and throw the child across the room.  So I decided that I need to "get my negative energy out."  So I threw on some work out clothes and started doing sit ups in the middle of Lily's room while she was throwing a fit.  I kept telling her that she should do them with me so she could get her negative energy out.  She wouldn't.

So I left her screaming and bawling in her room and headed to the living to get my negative energy out without a 4.5 year old screaming in my ear.  Now I've moved on to push ups and Tyler thinks it would be a great idea to climb on my back while I do it.

Full disclosure, I got down without face planting, but I couldn't get more than about 2 inches back up!  Maybe this will be one of my new fitness goals.  A pushup from my toes with my 3 year old on my back.  I better hurry before he gets much bigger.

Anyway, about that time, Lily's comes out of her room and decides she wants to do some push ups too.  And after that, all our negative energy was expended.

I also got to go with the kids to Touch-A-Truck this past week.  Joel's been a couple times, but I've never been able to go until this year.  They had a pretty good time climbing in and around all kinds of vehicles.

Also, I realized that I never posted about Tyler's stats from his 3 year check up.  He came in at 39 inches tall and 34.6 pounds - both 95th percentile.  My giant kids.  We also just now got around to taking a family picture in front of Tyler's Happy Birthday Sign.

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