Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, January 24, 2015

A Whole Week of 4th Birthday Celebrations.

When you turn 4, it seriously takes a week to celebrate it fully and correctly.  In case you didn't know.  The festivities started out on Monday with a little party at the daycare.  We enjoyed cupcakes and treat bags with Lily's class.  Well mostly just Lily and Tyler ate their cupcakes and the other kids just picked at them.  Not sure what's up with that but maybe next time I'll do cookies or store bought cupcakes cause it's just not worth it if the kids won't even eat it.  

To celebrate the actual birthday of my big little girl, I met up with Joel, Lily and Tyler at the family favorite pizza joint after work (where I ate salad and they ate pizza since it was not my fun

Then we headed on home to open presents.  In the weeks leading up to Lily's birthday, as we had shopped for gifts for her school friends, I had been asked Lily what she wanted for her birthday.  She consistently gravitated toward this Merida (from the movie Brave) bow and arrow.  And then a few days before her birthday, she said if she was going to get that "Merida thang" she needed the Merida dress to go with it.  So I frantically got on Amazon and ordered it.  Thank you Amazon Prime and two-day shipping.  It arrived on her birthday and Joel had to wrap it up real quick before we got home from pizza.  Lily also got a hair dryer - she wanted a hair dryer that was just her size.  And a jump rope.

She was pretty excited about her Merida stuff.  She immediately wanted to put on the dress and begin shooting her arrows.  She was a tad bit clumsy with the bow and arrows at first, but the by the next morning she was flinging arrows all around the house like she's was a born hunter.

After presents, it was time to devour cupcakes (in which I did participate - cause fun day or not, you have a cupcake with your daughter on her birthday).  That sassy looking picture - yeah, that's her "Whitney pose" as she calls it.

And then it seemed like it was taking forever for the rest of the week to get over so it could be her birthday party day where she could get more presents.  But it finally arrived and we had a great time (and it was my fun day and as I sit here typing this, I think I might puke from over-doing the fun...whoopsie).

We had lunch, presents, cake, games, treat bags....we had playing together and bickering.  We had laughing and whining and giggling and crying.  You know, all the typical ingredients for a fantastic birthday party.  Which can be seen in full in the below photo array!

Happy, happy birthday to my Queen Liliana.  These four years have been full of wonderful, unforgettable moments.  I am so lucky to be this girl's mama.  

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