Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Goal. Of a Lifetime Kind of Magnitude.

I did it y'all!  I met my weight loss goal and I maintained it for the last six weeks, achieving Weight Watchers "Lifetime" status.

Say WHAT?!  Yes.  That's right.  

For the first time in my entire adult life, I am not obese.  I am not overweight.  I am in my healthy BMI range.  I never dreamed I would be able to say that.  Not in a million years.

So here's the skinny (!) on the data.....I've clearly had my ups and my downs over the last 15.5 months.  But every time I had an up, I got right back on the wagon and followed it up with some downs.  I never had two up weeks in a row. 

Are you ready for this?  Are you?  I can't stop being impressed with myself - yes, it sounds like I'm bragging a bit.  And I am.  But I earned it.  See?


By the way, thighs and arms.... that's per EACH thigh and EACH arm.  Just to be clear.  

On average, I lost 1.4 lbs/week.  No "Biggest Loser" style weight loss here.  Slow (sometimes achingly slow) progress, but hopefully that makes it sustainable and manageable going forward.  A real "lifestyle change" as they call it.

It feels so strange to be "done" - I think it's going to be a rough road for a bit as I continue to make the mental adjustment into maintain mode.  Being ok with tiny upticks and tiny downticks - allowing myself a few more luxuries now and again, but watching that slippery slope and not over doing it.  I have to keep myself accountable which is why I will still be counting my points.

I have dreamed about posting these pictures for a long, long time.  These are the pants I'm wearing in those before pictures.  HO-LY HELL.  You can almost fit two of me in those things.  I swear I never saw how big those pants were at the time.  I truthfully didn't.  Denial is an amazing thing. 

But, seeing as how I'll be celebrating my success by eating myself stupid at the Evansville Fall Festival over the next several days, I may need those pants again before the weekend is over!  Monster Ears, corn dogs, catfish sandwiches and deep fried EVERYTHING - HERE.  I.  COME!

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