Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, June 9, 2014

Bahamian Paradise: The Weight Gain Aftermath

I'm sure that you all are wondering how I fared on my diet while on vacation.  If it wasn't obvious by reading my posts on the trip, I didn't hold back.  I went in to the vacation with no intent to limit or deny myself from enjoying everything the resort had to offer.  

At one point in the week, Joel asked me, "Do you feel like you're gaining weight?"  To which I said, "Absolutely!  Wanna go get a milkshake?"

So what was the bottom line?

I gained a sizable amount.  Like a number so big, I don't think I can post it on the internet.  I know I've bared my soul about all my disgusting eating habits but I just can't bring myself to put this one out there.

The good news is that I got right back on the wagon when we came home.  In the week following vacation, I lost 2/3 of what I gained.  Which tells me that a large amount of the gain was water weight.  The way I look at it, the vacation set me back about a month.  And I'm ok with that.

Ok, 13.2 was 13.2 pounds.  Don't judge me.  

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