Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Backyard Campfire.

Joel has been wanting to have a fire in the backyard for about 6 weeks or so.  We finally make it happen this weekend!  It turns out that a campfire, a 3 year old and a 20 month old are the precise ingredients for a nervous breakdown. 
It was so stressful, trying to roast hot dogs while keeping the kiddos out of the way of the fire.  And to keep them from fighting over the 3 foot long weenie roasting skewers or poking someone's eye out with them. 

We did enjoy our hot dogs.  Well, most of us did.  Tyler wasn't in to it.  He opted to eat chips for dinner.  The Mom in me was trying not to twitch over the lack of nutrition in his dinner - but then I relaxed because who cares?  It's one meal, he'll be alright. 
It was incredible how much messier the kids got just because we weren't eating at our normal supper table.  I think we went through half a box of wipes. 
After dinner, we roasted some marshmallows and had s'mores!!  Lily wasn't having it.  No marshmallows.  Just graham crackers by themselves and chocolate by itself.  But absolutely NOT together. 
Tyler on the other hand....well the pictures really tell the best tale.  Tyler is shirtless because he'd already used his shirt as a napkin to clean his hands off of chip dust. 

Lily, the family photographer, had to take a couple pictures too.  Here's the only one that's actually of something.
The kids have taken to chasing each other around the yard barn.  Tyler discovered this adventure and Lily followed suit.  Now it's a big game.

After we put the kids to bed, Joel and I sat outside and enjoyed the fire (and more s'mores!) for several more hours.  It so was peaceful (until Lily had a nightmare and needed soothing for like 30 minutes before going back to bed).  I almost forgot we were in our backyard and not camping somewhere.

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