Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Tennessee Vacation.

Joel and I took some much needed time off of work and headed to Tennessee last Thursday for a long weekend away.   The drive went pretty smoothly.   The babes slept for quite a bit so that contributed to the smoothness.   It took us about 6 hours to get to Meme and Papaw's house and that's with several stops (gas, lunch, play, pee) so we were pleased with our travel time.  

We arrived in the late afternoon and the kiddos commenced with immediately exploring all the toys.   There were only a few minor disputes among the siblings about who was going to get which toy when. 

That evening, Tyler got his first of four baths (he really likes the water) for the weekend.

 We usually approach bedtime with pure dread at the thought of potential meltdowns and bedtime in a different place sets us all on edge for what mayhem we might have on our hands.   Fortunately, the kids were pretty tired and didn't fight us TOO much to go to bed. 

We put both kids in the same room - they've done this before with no problem so I thought we'd try that again.   It worked pretty well - at least at first.  
At 3:30 in the morning, I wake up to both kids crying (well Tyler was kind of screaming).   Since both kids tend to wake up in the night and cry out (and usually put themselves back to sleep on their own) I'm not sure who woke who up.   But I guess that doesn't matter too much because, fact was, they were both awake.   I go in the room and Tyler wails even louder to be picked up, so I did.   Which just set Lily off to wailing because she wanted me to pick HER up.   Tyler's pulling on my tank top trying to get at my boobs.   Lily's crying for me to read her a story.   My head is all foggy because I took some Nyquil before I went to bed and it's the middle of the night.   And oh, by the way, I'm in a different place than normal too and nearly broke my neck trying to figure out how to get out of the room I was in, while in my drug induced, sleepy fog!
So I plop down on the floor and nurse Tyler on one side and he calms down.   Meanwhile, I keep trying to sooth Lily by telling her I will read her a story in a second.  After nursing Tyler, I put him on the bed and read the kids a story.   Lily calms down and snuggles back in to her covers. I go to put Tyler back in the pack 'n' play and he's winds up all over again.   Uhhhgg. 
Meanwhile, Papaw gets up because Molly dog hasn't gotten adjusted to daylight savings time yet and wakes up at 3:30 in the morning wanting to be fed (vs her normal 4:30 wake time - reason number 847 why I will never have a dog). When getting up, Papaw got stung by an unidentified varmint.   So now, with the stinging varmint, hungry dog and crying baby commotion going on, Meme's up too!   She takes Tyler and I continue trying to sooth Lily. I thought she was good to go so I went back to bed and put my ear plugs in. 
About 30 seconds later, Joel joins in on the action and gets out of bed because apparently Lily was NOT good to go.  He tried a couple times to get her to go back to sleep and she wasn't having it. So he ended up getting up with her. 
Meanwhile, it's now 4am and I lay in bed, willing myself to go back to sleep.  About 6:00, I finally do and at 6:30, Joel peeks his head in the room and I wake up to awesome breakfast smells.   Bacon or sleep?   Hmmm.....I chose bacon.

Later that morning, Meme and Lily were finger painting with pudding that they made together.  Lily really got a kick out that.

 Later that morning, Joel and I took off for Gatlinburg for 30 hours of kid free bliss!  That was the first time that we have been together without kids for that length of time since before Lily was born.  (She's almost 3....)

We had a super duper duper great time.  It was so nice to just be together without kids crying and yelling (or us crying and yelling for that matter).  No figuring out what to feed them.  No wiping butts or cleaning up poop.  No begging children to get out of the bath tub.  No 45 minute bedtime routine.  Bless you, Meme and Papaw!  We needed that time and we're pretty grateful for it.

Our hotel was a little bit off the main drag and so we got in a lot of walking (probably > 5 miles on Friday).  Which was good because we ate dinner at the Melting Pot.  Yum-oh!

This one is from our first visit to the Melting Pot back when we were dating!  Circa 2008.

This one is from the second time we visited the Melting Pot the summer after Lily was born (2011).

Man we love that place.  But our wallets.....not so much.  $100 dinner.  Good thing we're rich (Joel's favorite joke whenever we splurge on something)!  Hahahaha!

We got a couple texts from Meme while we were away.  Apparently Lily was a bit jealous of Tyler taking a bath in the sink and she told Meme she wanted to get in too.  Meme told her that she was too big for the sink and Lily insisted that she was NOT too big.  Meme turns around and Lily is standing in the kitchen bare butt naked.  So, in to the sink she goes!

Lily was driving Tyler around in this tractor.  Pretty cute.

We returned late Saturday afternoon and while I thoroughly enjoyed my time alone with the hubs, I was happy to see my babies.

On Sunday, the kids played a little bit before we had to leave. 

And, we took the requisite overlook pictures.....or at least we tried.

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