Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, August 24, 2012

This post is NOT for the weak

Today started with Lily SCREAMING her head off to get out of bed at 6:00.  I had just gotten out of the shower and got halfway dressed and went in to fetch her.  She pretty much screamed for the next hour until I dropped her off at daycare.  It's always about something she wants but when you try to give it to her, she doesn't want it - or at least doesn't want it the way you're giving it to her. 

I'm sure you all probably are having a hard time believing me when I say that we've been having trouble with Lily tantrums lately since she's always so good mannered.

Well this little gem is from this morning.  Make sure your volume is adjusted appropriately!  (Sorry I couldn't figure out how to turn the video the right direction).

This is what we mean when we say tantrums.  In this particular phase of this tantrum, Lily wants to sit on the vanity in the bathroom while I get ready (something we regularly do when she wakes up early and I'm still getting ready for work).  So I put her up there.  Then she screams to get down and just about propels herself off - I catch her in the nick of time, barely avoiding a face plant to the floor.  That's when the video starts.  She wants to get back "up there" ....  but not really.

I am at a complete loss!  I have no idea what to do in these situations.  This morning was the absolute worst tantrum ever.  Usually she calms down after about 10-15 minutes and at least gives us small breaks in between tantrums.  Not this morning.  SIXTY MINUTES STRAIGHT of screaming.  We have tried walking away, ignoring it, giving in, distractions.  Nothing works.  We haven't spanked or put her in time out.  I don't think she knows what time out is so I have no idea how to even go there and have it be effective.  I guess I could Google "Time Out Strategy" and see what I can learn.  Learn parenting via the Internet!  That's funny.

I am ALL EARS if anyone has any suggestions.  This behaviour started after we put her in daycare.  At first it was pretty mild but it's just escalated out of control over the past 3 weeks.  The staff at the daycare say she's wonderful and very well behaved.  She's not doing this there.  Even this morning, as soon as we walked in to daycare, she stopped crying.

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